Apply Now!
Thank you for your interest in the State College Community Land Trust!
After submitting the Inquiry Form, SCCLT staff will be in touch to discuss your housing goals.

Current income guidelines for our Low-Moderate and Middle Income programs are shown below. If you think you fall outside of these income ranges, we still encourage you to complete our Inquiry Form and we can discuss more details when we speak.
Your Path To Homeownership With SCCLT

For over 25 years, our homeowners have enjoyed living in the borough.

The State College Community Land Trust, Inc. does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.
It is illegal to discriminate against any persons because of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Anyone who feels they have been discriminated against may file a complaint of housing discrimination to: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Asst. Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 20410 1-800-424-8590 (toll-free)