SCCLT Committees
Meet the volunteers who serve on the committees that do much of the behind-the-scenes work of creating permanently affordable homes in State College, and consider joining! We welcome new volunteers anytime! Click here to contact us and volunteer.
Outreach & Development Committee
Works to increase awareness of the mission of the SCCLT and promote homeownership and affordable housing opportunities; Develops coordinated outreach, marketing, fundraising, and development initiatives and materials.

Polly Dunn

Nina Fellin

Vicki Fong

Maryam Frederick

Peg Hambrick

Shannon Holliday

Iyun Osagie
Tracy Spalvins

Teri Spence

Ben Wideman
Real Estate & Rehab Committee
Identifies and considers properties for acquisition, provides Board with an analysis and recommendation; Liaises with Outreach & Development Committee to develop marketing strategies for SCCLT properties; Assists staff with sales of SCCLT properties; Reviews and revises Ground Lease; Oversees/coordinates volunteer rehabilitation activities at SCCLT properties; Analyzes housing and neighborhood issues related to Borough initiatives, zoning and strategic plans.

Judy Albrecht

Derek Canova

Peg Hambrick

Sue Hiester

Tom Keiter

Andy Lau

Rob Pangborn

Susan Venegoni
Stewardship Committee
This ad-hoc committee comprised of SCCLT homeowners and volunteers is developing a set of policies to address the long-term maintenance of land trust homes, to maintain the homes and support homeowners to the benefit of all. Serves as liaison between Board and Homeowners; recommends policy modifications, and works with committees to increase outreach, homeowner education and positive outcomes.

Derek Canova

Joe Cortazzo

Etta Habegger

Matt Toms
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Subcommittee
Committee dedicated to creating concrete and measurable goals to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion within all aspects of the organization to comply with the strategic plan update adopted by SCCLT in March of 2021.

Tsultrim Datso

Polly Dunn

Shannon Holliday

Emily Rosenman

Colin Webster